Thursday, July 4, 2013

Warm Ice Cream

So at our ice cream store, we have 'flavor of the day', which is basically ice cream with any of 22 different flavors mixed into it. I've made this a million times, and have had very few issues with it becoming runny. With that said, I had to make a blueberry flavored cone, and someone had pre-filled a mix cup with ice cream and had to stick it in the freezer. It was pretty thoroughly frozen, so I had to mix it quite a bit to get it to soften and to get the flavoring to be distributed evenly. When I handed the boy out the cone, he paid, licked it a few times and then dropped it on the ground. Our policy is that we cannot replace dropped items for free, so I told him I could make him a new one but he'd have to pay for it. While making his cheesecake ice cream, I used ice cream that was normal temperature (I had just gotten it out of the machine), and handed it out to him on a cone. I grabbed him a cup, and handed it out, telling him 'just in case', his response was that he didn't need it, and about five seconds later, that was on the ground as well. His mom was mad at me because I had to charge him for the second one, and other customers were trying to tell me that the ice cream must have been warm and that it was my fault. She insisted that I make her son a free sundae, which I did. When I handed him his change from the second cone, she was already interrogating him to make sure I didn't charge him extra for the last one. This kid was like thirteen years old. I had to go scrub the ice cream off the side walk.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Am Not Stupid

When serving ice cream, if I ask a question, it is because I want to make sure I get your order right. It could be because you didn't specify something, or simply because I couldn't hear you, not because I am not intelligent enough to understand your request. It does NOT mean you need to begin speaking very slowly for me. It does NOT give you the right to be condescending. I apologize for attempting to serve you what you wanted.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Diary of an Ice Cream Server

Hey guys, guess what, I got a job at an ice cream store! It's a locally owned seasonal place, and I worked there last summer as well. So it's not really a new job, but I love it. I love cleaning stuff and filling stuff and serving the nice customers. I love working!!!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Plus de Phobias

Well, apparently we recorded a whole lot more videos than we thought. I was able to upload two more phobia videos, Part 2 and Part 3, and even start the fourth one. I know you got three videos in less than three hours, but don't get greedy, you'll have to wait for the next ones! Hopefully we'll have more members in them...

New Video: Phobias

I finally finished editing our latest video: Phobias! Basically two minutes of us screaming at strange things... And there's more to come! This is only the As :D Enjoy!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Johnny Depp

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted anything recently. I had the busiest Spring Break ever! But it was a blast, so I guess that's all that matters :)
I love, love, LOVE Johnny Depp, and guess what I got today as an early birthday present? Three Johnny Depp movies and a Johnny Depp poster from my mother! I'm so excited! I'm seriously starting a Johnny Depp collection it seems, I've got three posters now, a Captain Jack Sparrow Pez dispenser, a book and at least ten of his movies. I think I'm developing an addiction of sorts.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Teenager Post #414

If I insult my best friend, it is an act of love. If you insult my best friend you're just being mean. I like to think we all have this protective attitude when it comes to how our friends are treated by people outside our immediate circles.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Credit Where Credit is Due

If you have watched our videos, you might recognize this song.  If you haven't watched our videos, what are you waiting for?  Thank You - by MKTO is the song that plays during the opening and closing credits in our videos.  We chose this particular song to be our anthem, so to speak, because we feel that it represents us as a group and as individuals.  We are proud to say we are among those who choose to be losers, the misfits, the role models.  Comment below with the title or link of your favorite song and let us know what you think of ours.

I Hate This Feeling

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

So I've been bored, and looking up nail art... I also got an Amazon gift card and my dotting pens just came in the mail today... This is the result :) The first guy on the left is Winston, then Gertrude, then Avery, and last is William


Hey guys!
I would just like to take a minute or so to introduce myself.

My name is Katie (although some of my friends call me Bubbles), and I am an original member of the Terrific Ten. I am currently sixteen years old but I'll turn seventeen this July. I am a junior in high school. My favorite subject in school is English because I enjoy creative writing and I love to read.

Sophia and I share a love for the Harry Potter books. I too have read and re-read the books several times and I also have the audio-books on my iPod. Some of my other favorite reads are The Hunger Games series, anything by James Patterson, and The Stray by Dick King-Smith. Currently I am reading Divergent by Veronica Roth.  I am only about 110 pages into it, but it is really so far good. 

Music is also a big part of my life. I have a wide variety of music on my iPod, everything from old rock to pop to punk rock to country to rap. I like songs with a good beat and lots of bass. I also enjoy songs that have an element of humor to them, like "If I had a Million Dollars" by The Bare Naked Ladies. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, so if anyone knows about a good song or music group, please, let me know.

So far we have only created and uploaded a few videos, but we plan to create more in the future. If you have any suggestions or requests let us know and we'll do our best to make a video out of it. We make these videos to make others laugh or at least chuckle. Although we do have a ton of fun filming and coming up with new ideas, we're doing it to entertain YOU! : D

That's all for now. I look forward to you all seeing our next video.
~Katie : D 

Monday, March 18, 2013


Hey guys, I'm Sophia. I'm one of the members of the Terrific Ten. I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself to the many fans we have so far :P
I am 16, a junior in high school. I love to read and write, my favorite book is most definitely Harry Potter. I am a total Harry Potter nerd, I have read the series repeatedly, and watched all the movies more than once. I mostly read fiction, especially fantasy. I honestly have no idea how many books I have read total.
I watch NCIS, Law and Order: SVU, Psych, and White Collar. I also like Phineas and Ferb, because I am a mature high school-er.
I'm really having a blast with working on videos on our Youtube account, and updating all of the sites I keep finding to start for us. I hope you guys enjoy the fruits of our labor. I watch a few channels on Youtube, including the VlogBrothers, Nigahiga, and JennaMarbles. I see the videos where they Skype Obama, or have do the Harlem Shake with Wayne Brady and I think, Oh my gosh! They're normal nerds, like me. And they're like, famous. I WANNA DO THAT :D
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, like I said, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, plus, more posts = more views.


Hey guys, welcome to the Terrific Ten blog! We're (surprisingly) twelve girls who thought we might be able to have fun and create entertainment for all of you fellow awesome people out there. We have a Youtube channel, Ingrid Ten, as well as a Twitter page @TerrificTen. We have found a lot in common with each other, but that isn't how we found each other. We're just a band of girls who didn't want to put up with the drama of your usual groups, and discovered that we do like each other. Now we're all best of friends, and have a blast together, and thought that maybe we could spread the awesomeness :)